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If you are like any growing business, you depend on 'leads'. Chances are you have them..In many cases, plenty...What's that database with thousands and thousands of prospects doing in your backyard?. What if we can tap into them? what if we can do that every week? What if that develops rapport, a relationship with your prospects and over time turns into plenty of consistent sales?. Why waste a lead you worked so hard to earn...Newsletters makes sense. For many businesses in this decade, it's the most powerful engine of growth ever invented. Pick!

Newsletters - Email Marketing

    • The draft will be readied and sent 48 hours before the day of newsletters.
    • You chooose the day in a week and set it to run in consistent cycles.
    • Payment is strictly in advance. Just helps to clear the creative space to maximum.
  • Includes 4 newsletters for email marketing to your users/customers. Additional newsletter copies will incur extra charges.

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