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What If We Stopped Funding Wars and Started Saving Lives?

Writer: kri chakri cha

There’s a harsh truth no one wants to say out loud: The money spent on war could be used to save lives—if only we could all agree not to fight. But we don’t. And we won’t. Because war is big business.
Let’s do the math.

  • The world spends over $2.2 trillion annually on defense. That’s $70,000 per second burned on weapons, armies, and destruction.
  • Meanwhile, nearly 10,000 children die every day from hunger-related causes.
  • 785 million people don’t have access to clean drinking water.

But, hey, at least we’ve got fighter jets, right?

The Hypocrisy is Blinding. Every government justifies its bloated military budget under the guise of 'national security.' But how secure are we, really, when entire populations live in poverty, infrastructure crumbles, and healthcare is a privilege instead of a right?

We’re told, “It’s for protection.” But protection from what? The countries we’ve been convinced are enemies—who are also burning billions to prepare for a war that no one wants?
What Could That Money Do Instead?

  • $6 billion could end world hunger. (That’s 0.2% of the U.S. defense budget.)
  • $20 billion could give clean drinking water to everyone on Earth.
  • $150 billion (less than 10% of global military spending) could build sustainable energy solutions for the entire planet.

But no. We keep feeding the war machine while people starve in its shadow.

“But We Need a Military.” Sure. Let’s be realistic. No one’s suggesting we completely disband all defense forces. But how about we stop treating war like an inevitability and start treating it like the failure of humanity that it is?

If every country agreed to cut its defense budget by just 20%,
we could:
  • Fund global healthcare.
  • Provide education to every child.
  • Solve hunger and clean water crises.
  • Make actual progress in saving the planet.
The problem isn’t lack of money. It’s lack of willingness.

So What’s the Real Threat? Maybe the real danger isn’t some foreign enemy. Maybe it’s the greed of those who profit from keeping us afraid. Maybe the real battle is against the idea that war is necessary.
Because if we could all agree not to fight, we wouldn’t need to spend a dime defending ourselves. But until then, we’ll keep pretending that destruction is the cost of peace.

What do you think? Does defense spending keep us safe, or are we funding our own destruction? Hit ‘Reply’ and tell us your take—unless you work for a weapons manufacturer. Then we already know your answer.


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