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Inflation: The Good, The Bad, and The Misunderstood

Writer: kri chakri cha
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Let’s talk about inflation—that buzzword everyone loves to hate. But here’s the twist: not all inflation is bad. In fact, some types of inflation signal that the economy is thriving. Let’s dig into why that’s the case and when inflation should actually set off alarm bells.

Inflation Through Margin Expansion: The Good Kind
When inflation happens because companies are expanding their margins, it’s often a sign of strong economic growth. Here’s the logic:

  1. What It Means: Companies are making more money per product or service without significantly increasing their costs.
  2. Why It’s Good:
    • Wages Are Rising: If this margin expansion happens alongside higher wages and low unemployment, it’s even better. Why? Because it means more people are earning more money.
    • Profitable Companies: Businesses are capturing more value without just passing costs onto consumers, signaling healthy profitability.
    • Sustainable Growth: This kind of inflation doesn’t just benefit companies—it reflects an economy where everyone’s winning.

This is the inflation that feels like a gift. It shows that businesses and workers are in sync, riding the wave of economic success together.

The Other Kind of Inflation (Not So Fun)
Now, here’s where things get messy. Inflation with no margin expansion or worse, negative margin expansion, is a red flag:
  • Wages decrease while unemployment rises.
  • Companies lose profitability, often passing increased costs onto consumers without creating more value.
  • Inflation persists, but the economy isn’t growing—it’s overheating, struggling to sustain itself even at normal economic velocity.

This is the inflation that makes everyone sweat. It’s the kind that signals economic instability, not growth.
Why Margin Expansion + Wage Growth = Economic Gold

When companies grow profit margins after economy-wide wage increases, we’re talking about the best of both worlds:
  • Workers have more money to spend, driving demand.
  • Companies are capturing value efficiently, fueling reinvestment and innovation.
  • Unemployment stays low, ensuring everyone participates in the growth.

This isn’t just “good” inflation—it’s a sign of a vibrant, thriving economy. It's proof that businesses are adaptable, workers are valuable, and the system is humming along beautifully.

The Bottom Line
Inflation isn’t inherently evil. The context matters:
  • Inflation + rising wages + margin expansion +low unemployment + increasing profitability = economic gift.
  • Inflation + falling wages + negative margins + higher unemployment + decreasing profitability = economic nightmare.

The Key Factor: Profitability
Here’s the kicker: margin expansion isn’t the only story. Profitability is just as important.
  • A company might see negative margin expansion (spending more to make less per unit), but if overall profits grow because of increased sales volume or strategic pricing, it’s still a win.
  • On the flip side, even positive margin expansion won’t save a company if its core profitability takes a hit.

Inflation tied to profitability—whether it comes from smart cost management, wage growth, or booming sales—reflects a healthy, dynamic economy.

The Takeaway
So, the next time someone throws the word “inflation” around like a curse, ask them this: Which kind?

Stay sharp,
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