Your 'Product' is your message. Your 'message' is your product
Having a brilliantly written website followed up by interesting mails (newsletters) can differentiate you from everyone else in your industry. Most sites are a boring read and most mailers scream ' buy my product'. You don't have to settle for 'boring'. Let's treat your customers with brilliant conversations. It starts right on your homepage. Engagement, converts.
Get to Know Us
We've been doing this since the dawn of the earlier decade. The founder happens to be one of the guys who used to run a food delivery pre-swiggy startup called, Yo! Potato in 2012. His newsletters got so popular, it seeded the idea for the copywriting enterprise. Your Copy Sucks! was thus born and has served several types of businesses ever since. It includes an international gaming company all the way to writing for the government (site). Customers love businesses that write interesting...
Our Services

f you are like any growing business, you depend on 'leads'. Chances are you have them..In many cases, plenty...What's that database with thousands and thousands of prospects doing in your backyard?. What if we can tap into them? what if we can do that every week? What if that develops rapport, a relationship with your prospects and over time turns into plenty of consistent sales?. Why waste a lead you worked so hard to earn...Newsletters makes sense. For many businesses in this decade, it's the most powerful engine of growth ever invented.
Website is how you interact with your audience. Website is your representation. It's actually the only most sustainable long term marketing medium. It's where you bring your's where they engage with you... just think about engaging it must be!
But to make all that happen, you need a killer copy that speaks to your audience and reflects your brand's values. That's where we come in. We'll help you craft a website that's engaging, funny as you like, informative, and downright awesome.
Get a killer copy for your website. Let's get started.
Two services sure to make an impact for your business. You'll just have to pick!

Minimalist doesn't charge for what he does..but, for what he doesn't.